Steve Rippy is a Colorado native and a lifelong resident of New Castle, Colorado. Following his graduation from Rifle High School, he attended Jamestown College (University of Jamestown) in Jamestown, North Dakota, and later attended Mesa State College (Colorado Mesa University) in Grand Junction, Colorado.
Mr. Rippy has a long history of public service in Garfield County as an elected official, a volunteer appointee, and a full-time local government professional. He served as Garfield County Assessor (1994-2001), a commissioner on the Town of New Castle’s Planning & Zoning Commission (1994-2001), and as the New Castle Town Administrator (2001-2006), and Community Development Director (2006-2007). He has served as the District Manager of the Battlement Mesa Metropolitan District since 2009, as well as the Manager of the Battlement Mesa Service Association since 2010.
Mr. Rippy has served as a Director since 2019.